Shankill Tennis Club has adopted and implemented the Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children’s Sport as set out by Tennis Ireland as an integral part of club policy on children and club membership. Upon joining the Club or renewal of annual membership, all members agree to abide by the Code of Conduct and the club’s Child Protection Policy. These codes and policies are set out below, and all members and their children should read and become familiar with them.
The club is not responsible for providing adult supervision for children except for formal coaching, matches and competitions. Shankill Tennis Club does not accept responsibility for independent recreational play e.g. two juniors arriving at the club on their own to play a game or children being left unsupervised while their parents/guardians are playing tennis. It is strongly recommended that if children are playing in the club independently of the club’s organised activities, that a parent/guardian stays with them for the duration of the activity.
The Club Child Protection Officers are available should any member have any questions or require any assistance in relation to child protection in the club.
Child Protection Officers
The Child Protection Officers for Shankill Tennis Club are Paul McCarthy (087 917 4730) and Sinead Doocey (087 615 8218).

Child Protection Officer
Tel: 087 615 8218

Child Protection Officer
Tel: 087 917 4730

Policies & Guidelines
- Sport Ireland Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children’s Sport (external website)
- STC Child Protection Policy
- STC Good Practice Guidelines
- STC Code of Conduct for Coaches & Sports Leaders
- STC Code of Conduct for Parents
- STC Code of Conduct for Children / Young People
- STC Club Rules
- STC Bullying Policy
- Department of Children and Youth Affairs Children First Document (external website)
- STC Positive discipline
- STC Travel and Hosting Policy
- STC Reporting procedures
- STC Confidentiality
- STC Photography Policy
- STC Social Media Policy
- STC Child Safeguarding Statement
- STC Child Supervision Policy
- STC Parental Consent Form ( for all parents/guardians)