Shankill Tennis Club has a thriving Junior membership with a wide range of activities for all age groups and standards.
Junior Tennis
Tennis Ireland (TI) and Dublin Lawn Tennis Club (DLTC) leagues run from April to July and September to October every year. The Club submits teams for all TI and DLTC leagues.
The Stars & Stripes League runs between local clubs in spring and autumn. This league is a relaxed easy-going league and provides a great opportunity for new players to gain competitive experience before entering the higher level of Opens and TI/DLTC leagues.
Junior Club Championships
Following the October bank holiday and during mid-term, the club runs the Junior Championships. This is a popular event of singles, doubles and mixed doubles. All members U18 can enter.
The doubles and mixed partnerships are balanced evenly by the Junior Committee to allow all members to compete at a similar level. A round-robin event is organised for those U10 on the bank holiday.
Finals day and prize giving takes place on the Saturday.
Shankill Junior Open
This is a Grade I tennis event that runs during the first week of August each year.
Junior Coaching
STC runs a comprehensive junior group coaching programme from September to June. Coaching in Shankill Tennis Club enables development along a recognisable path from beginner to advanced player and further details can be found on our Coaching page.
Social Tennis
Juniors can also play social tennis at the Club. Events are held for children involving some aspect of tennis as well as other social events, where they can mix and integrate more with the Club’s seniors and have fun. Such events include: Fast4, Generation Games, Teen pizza nights, and friendly matches.
Supervised Junior Tennis
Supervised Tennis is held every Saturday afternoon for junior beginners and red/orange ball players. This is a great opportunity for children to get a taste for tennis! Start times vary between 1pm and 2pm dependent on court availability. Supervised tennis is open to junior members and non-members.
For more information please email the junior co-ordinator jrcoa@shankilltennisclub.com
Shankill Tennis Club
For all feedback, suggestions and queries
Contact the Junior Co-ordinator on jrcoa@shankilltennisclub.com.
Junior Tennis Development and Support Programme
Shankill Tennis Club is committed to supporting the growth and development of all juniors in the Club and encouraging up and coming talent.
The Junior Development and Support Programme is funded and accounted for as follows
2. Other fundraising initiatives to support the scheme
3. Sponsorship or other contributions
4. Unused funds to be c/f to the subsequent year
5. Club’s Annual Accounts to clearly show
a. Opening Balance in Fund
b. Funds raised during the year
c. Disbursements during the year
d. Closing Balance in Fund at end of each year
Shankill TC Junior Tennis Development & Support Programme provides financial support in categories as follows
· To fund social events for all juniors at all levels – at the discretion of the Junior committee (up to 20% of fund).
· Support for league campaigns at all junior levels (up to 20% of funds) – coaching sessions, gear, travel costs etc.
· Support to underprivileged players or those players who need financial support. This to include but not be restricted to membership, gear, coaching and costs to facilitate inclusion in club events/trips and competition and travel. (up to 20% of funds).
Note: Our objective is to adhere to these % splits per category, however, each application will be treated on a case by case basis.
· Please note that applications must be received on the official application form to the Junior Co-ordinator and no funds will be made available until the application is approved.
· Only Club members can make an application for support.
· Each applicant is typically limited to one application per annum but there may be exceptions to this (example: where an underprivileged player is supported to join the club and then may need help with coaching etc).
· No individuals can commit support funds without formal approval.
· Please ensure that the support applications are made in a timely manner as we will not accept applications to validate retrospective spends.
· Members must be available to represent the club in Junior leagues or Competitions.
· Members must enter the Junior Club Championships if available.
· Those benefitting from this Support Assistance must advise and keep an account of how any funds are spent.